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  • Writer's pictureAmi Kantawala


we reflected on entertainment- the lifeline of New York City- there is a sense of emptiness to the pace of the city. Life has come to a standstill, time is not moving at its usual speed- days are long and often dull. While we try to make the most of the experience of being  quarantined, our NY soul feels lost and empty and yet we look forward to our catharsis at 7 :00pm where clapping for essential workers has become our performance that we witness daily while social distancing with our neighbors from our windows and waiting eagerly for 7:00 pm again and again…and again…..

Poems by Aarav Worah, Avi Sterry and Word Cloud by Arshya Worah

The Emptiness of New York


The days started to blur into one this week so today I documented my day through pictures. Together at Home event on TV. The first garden plants, a sighting of woodland ducks on a pond, a napping cat, the first mosquito on a window screen, ending the day with One World:

A lovely day, but still in isolation.

Jolanda Dranchak

A Saturday During Covid

Amita Rodman

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