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  • Writer's pictureAmi Kantawala

4.28.20: NUMBERS

The daily changing numbers of the stock market, deaths, infected patients, essential workers, social distancing and jobless Americans are horrifying to read in the papers. The red represents the negativity of the numbers and how the economy is going to be impacted, the social distancing gap is a stark reality of the financial gap between the rich and poor….



Every hour the update of total covid-19 cases per country is announced. Each day it seems as if each country is “competing” with one another on who will surge to the top to take the spot of shame. In a way, the display of cases and deaths feels like an airing of laundry for all to see with some dubiously low and others unexpectedly high numbers. Each day, we all hope that this dizzying number spiral will cease, and once again we will know the names of the countries by cultures and not covid-19 numbers.

Jolanda Dranchak

The Spiral of Death


The journal includes a tribute, eulogy. That of a friend who lost his aged and admittedly, ailing, father quite precipitously to Covid19.

Amita Rodman

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